Saturday, April 26, 2014

If We Only Used One Adjective

What if we only used one adjective? How boring would that be! 
I have been realizing lately that my vocabulary is actually quite small. One of my most commonly used descriptive words is creepy.
I did not totally realize the extent of my use of it until I heard the little girls I was babysitting use it. Now, when a two-year-old all the sudden exclaims, "That was CREEPY!!!", you wonder where in the world they heard that. That is when I realized how much I say that word. 

From there on out everything was 'creepy' to her. I'm serious. She would bump into something and go, "Oh! My leg is so creepy!", and,  "Mom (she calls me 'mom' =D). You creepy!"
Then, just the other day, I was in the other room and I heard her in the living room yell, 
"Hey! Come get me, you creepy guy!" 
I nearly choked. She's so little and she just barely starting talking so you can understand her, and this is what she comes out with! 

Unfortunately it was me who unknowingly got her going on the word and me who then explained to her mom -- who had informed me of this commonly used word by her girls -- what really was the reason. 
It really got me thinking about what words I am saying that I am not aware of. Little kids pick up on those things that we don't. Words can be so powerful.They may mean something totally different than you think, or be used so often you can't even hear them any more. 
There are so many words out there that can build us up, versus tearing us or others down. Why not use a broad range of words, namely adjectives since that's what I've been noticing lately, so that we can get our point across in a much more descriptive manner?! 
I know I want to try, so that I won't have to feel bad hearing the little people around me using my one adjective =) 

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