Monday, June 16, 2014

My Bro, Elijah

He is my little brother who despairs over ever getting very big.
He is my little brother who can't wait till he can get his permit in December and literally  
started counting the days till that can happen after his last birthday.
He is my little brother who can giggle like a girl and not stop even when what he thinks 
is so funny may not be nearly as funny and worthy of the giggles as he bestows on it. 

He is my little brother who saves his money quite well so that he has it when he wants 
to whip out a large sum to buy something like a four-wheeler since he knows 
he can turn around and sell it to make a profit.
He's like that.
He is my little brother who likes playing hockey and driving Cummins trucks.

He is my little brother who plays the piano fabulously (I say he's still doing it because 
I told him that young guys that can play the piano are double awesome, 
but it's probably because Mom and Dad are pushing him to keep going at it!)

He is my little brother who runs down the road after me to say goodbye 
when I'm leaving (and then hops in the window!)
He is my little brother who wears Wranglers all the time and can't handle the idea of shorts
(well, one of the times he did, I unknowingly brought him traipsing right through 
poison ivy, so that's kind of understandable).

He is my little brother who says he really should have gotten a bigger ice cream cone 
after eating the one he got, because he's still not full.
He is my little brother who wants to drive across the US with me as soon as possible.

He is my little brother who stops with me on the side of the road to pick big bushy bunches 
of lilacs for Mom and then holds them all the way home.
He is my little brother who says he'll just hold those flowers in front of his face if a cop 
stops us - that way he won't have to say anything or be recognized =) 
He could do that.


He is my little brother who likes to hike mountains, bike ride, and camp out under the stars.
He is my little brother who goes along with the crazy things I suggest even 
when he doesn't think they are quite as fun as I do.

He is my little brother who likes little kids even though he says 
he doesn't because they are so short.
He is my little brother who all children like and call " 'Liza", because....
I don't know why actually, but they just like to. 

He is my little brother that misses me when I am gone.
He is my little brother who isn't going to be my little brother for long.
He is my little brother who I love so dearly.
He is my little brother who I tell that to and he rolls his eyes and says, 
"You're ridiculous", but really actually loves it ;p
 He is my little brother who is super cool most the time :)

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